"It's only through writing that I've ever been able to suppress life's personal disappointments. When I can't write I feel anxious and out of sorts and am easily riled, though I'm usually able to control my emotions..."
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer (The Mute's Soliloquy: A Memoir)
["Hanya dengan menulis aku mampu menekan segala kekecewaan peribadi hidup. Bila aku tidak menulis, aku merasa cemas & tidak keruan serta mudah gusar, walau selalunya aku bisa mengawal emosiku..."]

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Seni ini...
Impianku sejak kecil
Bukan perkara main-main
Sudah jadi darah-daging
Biar ditegah aku teruskan
Biar dibantah aku patahkan
Biar dibalah aku gagahkan
Apa masalah kau?!
Ini jiwaku, bukan jiwamu!

Seni ini...
Kerjayaku sejak mula
Bukan perkara main-main
Susah senang semua ku rasa
Inilah mata pencarianku
Inilah juga segala usahaku
Inilah juga permata jasaku
Apa masalah kau?!
Ini takdirku, bukan takdirmu!

Seni ini...
Hidupku sekali ini sahaja
Bukan perkara main-main
Apa aku suka bukan kau pun
Semua kejayaan aku juga berusaha
Semua kegagalan aku yang angkara
Semua keupayaan aku kerah bekerja
Apa masalah kau?!
Ini aku, bukan kau!

Bersaudara pun kita,
Saling berjasa pun kita,
Cinta mencintai pun kita,
Ada perkara mesti berbeza
Jangan suka-suka...
Mengubah segala!

Aku bukan anjing
menurut kata bila dikasihi
Aku bukan babi
Menyondol minta digilai
Aku manusia
Punyai hati dan perasaan sendiri
Cinta tidaklah tergila-gila
Waras pun ada batasnya
Jangan dipaksa ikut suka
Sekali ku tampar,
Bergegar dunia!

Seni ini...
Bakatku sejak lahirnya
Bukan perkara main-main
Menafikan buruk padahnya
Terima saja ini kelebihan
Terima saja ini kekurangan
Terima saja ini ketetapan
Apa masalah kau?!
Ini fitrahku, bukan fitrahmu!

Pandai kau berhujah
Cuba mematahkan ilhamku
Pandai kau berbid'ah
Cuba memesongkan akidahku
Pandai kau berceramah
Dikala impian kau pun huru-hara!

Seni ini...
Ku menulis
Seni ini...
Ku melukis
Seni engkau...
Suka mengacau?

Thursday, January 1, 2015


To whom it may concern, 

So what to be happy about when all around us are people trapped in disasters, when those who don't care found their way to party for the new year. Meanwhile those who care, mourn together with the victims. Am I trapped in a moment? No I'm NOT although I DO CARE. Therefore at home (drawing comics), on the first (almost end) first day of 2015, I just want to wish...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to everyone.

"A heart well prepared for adversity in bad times hopes, and in good times fears for a change in fortune."

Bad things happened to everyone, I had my share a few times and will happen again, I knew it. We just need to face the fact, no one escapes from bad things in life... not even the prophet. The only difference is how you and me co-op with the situation whenever bad things come into our life, maybe we're the same or maybe we're not.

"Sad people dislike the happy, and the happy the sad; the quick thinking the sedate, and the careless the busy and industrious."

Somehow when bad things happen to others, don't ignore, either we pray for their well being or donate something to ease at least some burden they're having: or both! If possible, at this critical moment, let them have their moment of grieve while we respect them with peace. But that doesn't mean we have to pause our other responsibilities. Like myself, I still have to draw comics and make sure I have my new year's resolution is in the workout, insha-Allah. 

"It is courage, courage, courage, that raises the blood of life to crimson splendor. Live bravely and present a brave front to adversity."
And sometimes when we thought this life is having too much of a conspiracy to begin with, exactly it is not. That just happened when we assumed too much, thinking that we're always right while others are wrong. So get ourselves together, because there are things in life that don't need science and spy to get it answered, whatever it is... it just need faith.

"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes."

Yours sincerely,
Fakhrul Anour