"It's only through writing that I've ever been able to suppress life's personal disappointments. When I can't write I feel anxious and out of sorts and am easily riled, though I'm usually able to control my emotions..."
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer (The Mute's Soliloquy: A Memoir)
["Hanya dengan menulis aku mampu menekan segala kekecewaan peribadi hidup. Bila aku tidak menulis, aku merasa cemas & tidak keruan serta mudah gusar, walau selalunya aku bisa mengawal emosiku..."]

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yes... singing is my hobby. Tapi dalam bilik karaoke with friends la! Tapi masa my birthday last Saturday (14th February 2009), I just suka-suka enter pertandingan saringan karaoke kat Bangsar (diuja oleh Kak Nita from Anita Entertainment & Production... huhu!), tak kenal pun who the hell is the judges masa tu. Datang pun lambat... and finally dapat masuk semi-final & later masuk final! Alhamdulillah... walaupun sebenarnya gentar menghadapi cabaran baru ni. Masa kecik dulu berangan gak nak jadi superstar performing on stage. Tapi rasanya sejak jadi artis komik ni, I rather stick to who I'm now rather than go further as an entertainer on stage! Ketar lututtttttt u'all!!!!

Semi Final (16hb. February 2009) kat Kompleks Niaga Utama, Bangsar.