I had a long written article about 'Malaysia Comic Industry' that I wrote back a year ago for a Korean magazine. Then for this magazine, I had to retouched & redone so my content & my narration will feel friendlier even to the primary school.

Not for sale! Only for MPH loyal customers & who collect MPH QUILL. This is issue 21 (Jan - March '09)! This issue really talks a lot about comic. Even Dr. Mahathir also turned into cartoon. For comic goers, you should get this issue. Pretty important for our knowledge of the industry itself.
That's me on the contributors' page!
My article was well edited here. Thanx to the editor, Tan May Lee (editorial@mph.com.my)
i received this mag at my house... your article was awesome. thanks for sharing it though. =)
best best,,,
saya akan mencari majalah MPH Quill ini..
cayalah Ayour..kerna menyumbang artikel pasal Komik malaysia pada masyarakt kita yg masih ragu2 akan Komik ini..
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